We have extensive experience with a wide range of projects in the north, including but not limited to, mechanized forestry work; brush mulching; site development and rehab; winter, muskeg and all weather road construction; excavation; snow plow & removal; all season bush road maintenance; mob/demob mining, exploration and drill equipment; float move; cottage lot development; forest fire fighting; portable bridge installation; hydro tower anchor testing; rig/access mat installation and maintenance and etc. For more detailed information and service inquires please see our contact details below to contact us directly.
We have a well equipped inventory, including but not limited to, Feller bunchers with optional brushing or felling head attachments; various dozers, excavators with optional matt grapple attachments; graders; loaders; muskeg tractors; several snowcats; various skidders, bombardiers, semi-trucks & trailers; flood pumps; culvert steam cleaning gear; rig/access mats and etc. Our equipment inventory is constantly evolving to meet the needs of our customers, so its best to contact us directly for detailed services/equipment inquiries.